
BTL Exilis Ultra for Skin Tightening

BTL Exilis Ultra™ Bend, OR The cold weather is here and we’re getting ready for the holiday festivities! Getting ready for parties, family reunions, and work functions involves finding a great outfit and maybe getting an updated haircut. For us, we love to focus on the parts of ourselves that will really boost our self-confidence. Taking care of our skin is important, but getting an extra treatment gives us that extra jolt of energy! When our skin looks youthful and glowing, we don’t care as much about the little details. Are you ready for a holiday-season beautifying treatment? Keep reading.

We are well-versed in many aspects of skin care, and understand why patients choose resurfacing treatments like chemical peels. They’re looking for a better skin tone and texture. But what do you do when your skin isn’t behaving in a bigger way? Though we understand concerns about skin tone and texture, makeup can easily mask those imperfections. But loose skin or wrinkles that come as a result from premature aging can’t be masked in this way. What do you do if your skin is loose and sagging? Especially with the holidays upon us, we want to look our best and we don’t have a lot of time!

New technologies allow us to provide better results in fewer treatments and, when it comes to the BTL Exilis Ultra, this could not be more true. This amazing treatment combines radio frequency and ultrasound technologies (referred to as EFC, or Energy Flow Control) which allows us to target the body parts that cause you concern.

These technologies are powerful but gentle, allowing us to focus on that area of concern. Safe and effective is a great way to describe this amazing skin tightening treatment!

Areas that can be treated:

  • Face
  • Lips
  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Buttocks
  • Hands
  • Abdomen & Lower Back
  • Decollete
  • Bra Roll
  • Eyes
  • Knee
  • Thighs

Even better, these gentle but effective treatments don’t require lengthy downtime, so you can utilize the amazing benefits before your next big soiree! If you’re interested in learning more, call us today at (888) 720-2634 to schedule a consultation at BodiSculpting Specialists.

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