
Microdermabrasion For Beautiful Skin

Is your skin is adjusting to the new season and having a hard time? Moving from winter to summer often makes our skin more happy, but it’s not going to be easy if you’re not treating your skin right. Red, flakey, or blotchy skin can be a sign that your skin isn’t getting enough moisture, or that it needs to be gently exfoliated. Extra dead skin cells on the surface of your skin can also mean that your favorite products aren’t penetrating like they should, so you’re not getting the moisture your skin needs.

Keep reading to learn about the best ways to help your skin get a boost, all while maintaining its radiance and healthy complexion.

Exfoliate & Moisturize

The moisture in the air during summer helps our skin stay happy, because it needs enough moisture to function well. If you’ve ever traveled to somewhere really dry and cold, you may have noticed a big change in how your skin behaved. It probably wasn’t too happy.

Look into gentle scrubs or acid treatments, and start slow then work your way up. Try your exfoliating treatment just once or twice a week at first, and see how your skin adjusts.

The dead, flakey skin should disappear pretty fast, which will help your skin absorb moisturizers better. If you haven’t found a moisturizer you love, squalane is a gentle option that can give your skin the moisture it’s craving.


If you have sun spots or fine lines from too much time in the sun, it’s best to get rid of them before they settle into a permanent place on your face. Microdermabrasion is a great exfoliating treatment that can also boost collagen-production. Microdermabrasion treatments can be especially helpful if you are concerned about fine lines, hyperpigmentation, large pores, or a lack of volume in your skin.

Microdermabrasion is a great option for women who are sensitive to chemical peels, or who do not want the lengthy downtime that can come along with chemical peels. They can be more gentle, but still give you great results!

Call us today at (541) 725-BODI (2634) to learn more about microdermabrasion to help your skin look radiant this summer.

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